Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Know The Efficacy Of Bloog Glucose Home Monitoring Devices

For patient with diabetes mellitus is very important know the efficacy of blood glucose home monitoring devices. An important component of diabetes care is self-monitoring blood blucose. The glucometer need to have standard quality control procedure and verified the reading of various glucometer to know the quality of this products. To know the quality of the blood glucose meter is necessary compare the efficacy of several glucose meters with the measurement of a reference laboratory control information. In one study with the betachek test strip and three other common glucometer devices (Glucotrend 2, GlucoMen, and GlucoCare) were used to determine the blood glucose in patient have DM. The result was very interesting in the comparation of this glucometer. The mean measurement of blood glucose was 2 glucometer had the most advantageous results and one no met the ADA criteria of reading within 5% of the laboratory reference results. For patient with diabetes and use glucometer is very important have good reference about the measure accuracy of the blood glucose by the glucometer and make continue control of this device. Remember very high or low level of glucose in the blood can be very dangerous.

Visit: Symptoms of diabetes mellitus

Six Simple Things You Can Do To Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that strikes more people every year. It also leads to severe complications such as heart problems, blindness, kidney trouble, and amputation of limbs. Diabetes has a genetic component that may make you more prone to the disease. It runs in families and women who have had gestational diabetes are at risk as well. Can we prevent or delay the onset of diabetes? Yes, there are some simple things you can do now that will allow you to avoid or delay this disease.1. Look at what you are eating. Eat smaller portions; you can make it look like more by using a smaller plate or a salad plate. Don’t snack while you are cooking. You probably don’t even realize how many calories you take in by snacking while cooking. Don’t be tempted to “clean up” the unfinished food to keep from throwing it away or storing it in the refrigerator. Eat breakfast every day, and make your meal and snack times regular by having them at the same time each day.2. Limit your meat, poultry, and fish intake to about three ounces a day. This is equal to about the size of a pack of cards. Another good tip is to listen to music instead of watching TV. If you are watching TV while you are eating, you are not aware of how much you are eating.3. Low salt broth is a good substitute for oil and butter. Drinking a full glass of water before eating will also help reduce your appetite. If you are eating at a fast-food place, try choosing the healthier foods, such as grilled chicken, salad instead of fries, or fruit instead of desserts or shakes. It isn’t necessary to deprive yourself of all your favorite foods, just cut down on portions and eat at regular times and choose healthier foods.4. Limit your desserts, and when eating out, have a good-sized vegetable salad to take the edge off your appetite. When you receive your entrĂ©e, either share it with your dinner companion, or ask for a take-home box immediately after receiving your meal. Have meals that have been stir fried, or make with a nonstick spray.5. Increase your physical activity! Yes, that means moving out of the chair and spending less time in front of the TV. There are small activities you can do to increase your physical activity. Turn the radio on and boogie while working on your household chores. Teach your kids how to dance the way you did when you were their age.6. If you are at work, instead of sending e-mail to your co-worker, walk over to their desk and deliver the message in person. Take walks; it’s a great way to keep up with your friends and an enjoyable, healthy way to take a break. Avoid the elevator and take the stairs as much as you are comfortable in doing that. One friend of mine marches in place during each commercial while she is watching TV. Don’t circle the parking lot looking for the closest parking spot, park as far out as you feel comfortable in walking. Not only will it increase your activity level, but it also may save your car from a few dings.By making of few simple changes like this in your life, you can improve your overall health and wellbeing and of course delay or prevent the onset of diabetes. Even if you can’t completely prevent diabetes, delaying it for a few years or more will go a long way in avoiding many of the long-term side effects of diabetes.
About the Author:For more information about diabetes, it’s treatment and prevention as well as some delicious diabetic recipes visit http://www.diabetesknowhow.com . For Information and tips on women’s health and beauty, visit http://www.healthandbeautyinfo.com .Read more articles by: Susanne Myers

Visit: Symptoms of diabetes mellitus

Can Coffee Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes?

This article give great information about diabetes mellitus disease and respond to a question about is coffe can reduce the possible risk of diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles.Coffee reduces risk of diabetesResearch suggests that people who drink coffee are less likely to get type 2 diabetes. It isn't known whether the caffeine or some other ingredient in coffee is responsible for its protective effects.The researchers wanted to see whether there is a link between diabetes and drinking coffee and green, black, and oolong tea. Participants completed a detailed questionnaire about their health, lifestyle habits, and how much coffee and tea they drank. The questionnaire was repeated at the end of the 5-year follow-up period.When other factors were accounted for, researchers found that the more green tea and coffee participants drank, the less likely they were to get diabetes. People who drank six cups or more of green tea or three or more cups of coffee each day were about one-third less likely to get diabetes. The link was stronger in women than in men. No pattern was seen with black or oolong tea. (see Diabetes Symptoms)Vitamin D and Calcium May Lower the Risk for Type 2 Diabetes in WomenA lack of vitamin D and calcium may be linked to getting type 2 diabetes. More than 80,000 women who took part in the Nurses' Health Study. Over the course of 20 years, over 4,800 women developed type 2 diabetes. The researchers found that a combined intake of over 1,200 milligrams of calcium and over 800 units of vitamin D was linked with a 33% lower risk for type 2 diabetes (as compared to women who took much smaller amounts of calcium and vitamin D). The results show that consuming higher amounts of vitamin D and calcium help lower the risk for type 2 diabetes in women.Diabetes is a disorder characterized by hyperglycemia or elevated blood glucose (blood sugar). Our bodies function best at a certain level of sugar in the bloodstream. If the amount of sugar in our blood runs too high or too low, then we typically feel bad. Diabetes is the name of the condition where the blood sugar level consistently runs too high. Diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder.
About the Author:7% of the population has Diabetes! Information on Diabetes Symptoms at http://DiabetesSymptoms.eask.infoRead more articles by: Tiara James

visit: Symptoms of diabetes mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus News Information

Health - Ask the doctor - Diabetes - non-insulin dependent
Type 2 diabetes is much more common than type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes used to be called non-insulin dependent diabetes or maturity-onset diabetes.

Health - Ask the doctor - Diabetes and sex
Be prepared for when your blood sugar levels drop too low.. 8 March 2007 » Diabetes and sex I have type 1 diabetes treated with insulin injections.

Health - Ask the doctor - Diabetes
It's also estimated that another million people have diabetes but don’t yet know it. In diabetes the body loses its normal control of levels of sugar in the blood.

h2g2 - Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes is when women who are not known to be diabetic develop high glucose levels in their blood in the later part of their Gestational diabetes affects 4% of all pregnant women.

h2g2 - Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
It is distinct from the more common known as 'Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus The initial signs of IDDM are usually present as a subset of a general diabetic symptomatic group.

h2g2 - Diabetes - a Personal Perspective
It certainly pays to carry identification as a diabetic. I suppose I am, not by diabetes, but by the ignorance and fear of the people I meet in everyday life.

Action Network - bypass operations for diabetics
bypass operations for diabetics - My Dad had a bypass operation a year ago, he has been bed ridden ever since, he has type one diabetes.

Action Network - Diabetic Patient Versus G.P. and P.C.T.
By having less control over my diabetes there is an increased risk of diabetic complications affecting the eyes, kidneys, circulation and the heart.

Health - Conditions - Diabetes
In diabetes, the level of glucose in the blood is too high. Diabetes may only be detected on routine screening.